Mel Todd Author The worlds of Mel Todd Mon, 01 May 2023 19:25:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mel Todd Author 32 32 194888696 To Do List Overload Mon, 01 May 2023 19:25:37 +0000 I love my lists. I do. But I have so much going on that I’m not even getting to write down all the things I need to do.

The big garage sale is this weekend, so maybe some of my mom’s sewing stuff will be dealt with once and for all. It would be nice to get the clutter in that area decreased greatly. Not to mention I really would like to create the home gym. I need to do some weight work and we need the space.

Everything else is moving along faster than I can keep up. I mean I know how fast weeds grow, does everything else have to move at the same speed? Oh well. I’m trying to write, trying to organize, and all I want is a nap.

Ever forward.

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Hurrah! Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:29:01 +0000 I have a website.

I know, you’re like so what. Everyone has a website. This is possibly true, I haven’t checked out yours so I don’t know for sure, but after 2 years I finally have one. Yes I’m slow. Your point?

What this means is I’ll have a space to talk to you about writing, what is going on in my stories, and when you’ll get something new from me. Hopefully this year it will be more often than it has been.

It also means I’m working on moving Bad Ash Publishing to a publisher that will publish other people’s work. That is still multiple months off, but it is getting closer.

Otherwise I have stories to write and publish, so you can read them. TTFN!

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